Friday 17 May 2024

The End.


    As I write this blog post, I'm not sure where to begin, what to say, and, most importantly, how to say goodbye to this school year. As I look back on all that has happened this school year, from the first quarter to the present, I become emotional. I must say that we have indeed come to an end. This is it. This is my last year as an SSC student. And, I hate to admit it, but I'm getting emotional because it dawned to me that it's finally over. This chapter in my life has come to a end. Being an SSC student is truly a journey of a lifetime for me, since I find this program to be rather challenging due to the amount of tasks and obligations. As I've entered this program, I've come to learn that nothing is truly simple, but being an SSC student is also an awesome experienced because you will be challenged to bring the best version of yourself. Nonetheless, I believe that the most important part about this program for me is that it encouraged me to push myself and show my best side. Additionally, I am grateful for having met so many new individuals during this era of my life. That is the nicest part as well. Before I wrap it up, let's take a one more look of my journey.
     Just so you know, we're the batch that was unable to march due to the pandemic, and we recently had our first actually face-to-face experience when we were in 9th grade. Furthermore, it still surprises me that we are graduating from junior high already. For me, this school year—which is now our final year as SSC students—has been an absolute roller coaster.

    Let's go back to the first quarter of the 10th grade. I still have trouble adjusting to the first quarter because I've met a new group of people that I'm not connected to yet. Since all of my close pals were in the other part, I'm finding it extremely challenging. Therefore, I'm not sure where I should go. But as time went on, I learned to let things happen as they come and to accept the possibility that this is all part of God's plan for me to become independent and learn how to be on my own. I found it difficult at first, but I managed to get through it. This quarter has taught me how to be strong and take risks. And now that we've arrived in the last quarter, I've learnt a lot more, which I'll bring to my next journey.

    I would like to express my gratitude to everyone I have encountered over my junior high school years. From all of my teachers in the past and now. Especially to my 10-Maxwell adviser, Ma'am Remedios Martinez. She serves as both our second mother and adviser. I would like to thank her for everything that she did for us, including her love, support, and efforts. You are someone I will always remember, ma'am Rems. The idea that we won't be able to hear your jokes and "every morning sermons" makes me emotional. I hoped the next batch of 10-Maxwell would take care of you. Thank you, ma'am Rems! I'll see you around!
    Also, I want to thanked all of my subject teachers throughout this journey. All of the lessons that you've thought us, we will cherish it, we will bring it with us. We've had a great time with you all, ma'ams and sir. If there would be a time where I will encounter one of you, I will assure you that I will smile and greet you happily. So, thank you to all of you ma'am and sir. I'll see you around!

    Next, I'd like to tell my friends that "we did it!". Look at us now—we made it through all of the sleepless nights, practice sessions on the weekends, and all of the rants. I just wanted to say thank you for being my comfort during this school year. I want to let you know that you may always come to me whenever you're feeling low, even though our busy schedules in senior high may prevent us from meeting again. I will definitely miss our endless laughter until it's almost impossible for us to breathe. You should all know that you bring color into my dull world. Thank you for making me feel peace and comfort amidst to the challenges we face everyday.


    And, to Maxwell, I had a great time with all of you. I may never have said this in person but, thank you for being part of my journey and for letting me be part of yours. I will cherish all of the memories that we've made. I am sure that we won't be able to be in the same class again but, I am rooting for all of your success. Good luck on your next journey, 10-Maxwell of batch 2023-2024.
    To wrap it up, I will cherish all of the memories and lessons that I've had as this school year comes to an end. This is one of the most memorable part of my life. All of this would turn into stories one day so, as we still have more weeks, let's enjoy it while it last. 

The End. 

Sunday 12 May 2024

To Our Mothers

    Every day, "Mommy" is always the word that leaves my mouth. She has grown up with me, having prepared my meals, got me ready for school every morning, and read me stories so I could fall asleep. In short, my mother was the first person to show what love was to me. As a mother's day present, this post is just a simple message for our mothers.

    Do you believe in the saying "Sila ang ating ilaw ng tahanan"? For me, I agree with this statement because our mothers are the ones who have given us light throughout our lives, ever since they brought us here. A mother's love is eternal; nothing can ever separate it from us because it began the moment we were born. We are taken care of by them, and I think that no mother can be against her children because we are a part of them and we are part of their lives. We are celebrating every mother out there on this Mother's Day. We appreciate everything you've all given up and the effort you've all made to look after us. I would especially like to thank my mother for being the most amazing mother there is. I would like to express my gratitude to you, mom, for taking care of me. Being a daughter of yours is truly an honor, as your love is truly special.

    In overall, I want to share this message to express my gratitude to all mothers everywhere. We appreciate your strength and sacrifices. We are aware that raising a child can be hard, however  all of you did it.  All I can say is that our mothers deserve everything in life—they deserve complete happiness for all that they have given up to care for us.  In the end, our mothers will always be the people we ought to tell when anything good or tragic happens in our lives. Our mother will always be the one to always have our back. They are our forever love.


The End.

          As I write this blog post, I'm not sure where to begin, what to say, and, most importantly, how to say goodbye to this school ...