"The Best High School Day Ever!"I agree that it was the best high school day ever. I would trade everything for the opportunity to relive all of the enjoyable activities and joyful memories. On March 9, we celebrate Ilocos Sur National High School's High School Day. We participated in a variety of activities, including the field demo, parade, and my personal favorite, the concert. Who would have thought you could experience all of this in just one day? And because it was such an incredible event, I'm happy I was able to be a part of it. Now, let me tell you about my unforgettable moments from our High School Day.
First and foremost, at 7:30 a.m., we began High School Day with a big march around our city in which every student at ISNHS participated . Each student was present to represent their sections and grade level. Our adviser, Ma'am Remy, was also there to look for us, and we are grateful because we feel her support. It was kind of exhausting, but also enjoyable because it was my first time doing this because since the pandemic occurred, we were prohibited to do this. It was wonderful to participate in a parade showing off our school.
After the parade, we took a break for thirty minutes before moving on to our next activity, the field demo. I clearly recall waking up at four in the morning to get ready for our high school day, especially for this field demonstration when there is a dance festival competition for every grade level. We gave a performance in our field, and even though it was a sunny, extremely hot day, we managed to provide a good performance. Sadly, the grade 10 girls placed third while the grade 10 boys won. Nonetheless, we did not let it bother us because we know we did our best and put all of our effort into our performance.
After our field demo, we had our concert, which is my most memorable experience because I was part of the band that performed at the event. Since this was my first time playing in front of a crowd, I was first kind of nervous. I still recall grabbing the microphone with trembling hands. But when my 10-Maxwell supported me, especially my close friends, I was able to get through it. I'm thankful that they supported us by being there. I also want to thank Ma'am Gladys, our MAPEH instructor, for giving us the chance to participate in this kind of event.
Also, I am grateful to my band members Zarah, Oien, Xian, Jarina, Jhikein, Ken, Keneth, and Jedrick which we called the Maxconi Band, for our outstanding performance. This performance is enjoyable; after singing our lungs out, we no longer have a voice while jamming along with the numerous songs that were sung. It was truly great, and I hope we can do this again for the next school year.
Overall, I must say that this was the best high school day I've ever had. The enjoyable things we engaged in were incredible. I'm glad I was able to take shots since I now have a lot of fun memories that I will cherish. Furthermore, I have absolutely no doubts that this was the most wonderful High School Day ever. I'd want to thank ISNHS for giving me the opportunity to experience what High School Day is genuinely like.
Alhycah Jaramillo (2024), Retrieved from, https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEiFrAHethXLxK8HRmWRXV4pIR8ZZra3nXp0ly3QMt59OUPG-Ij3RYwvCXGEj2BexvA8V0v3hMW9nGEZQTOqsGKV7dBKrq6qNS53-HAqKVOScqweGn7GqKIOS4l99nY7nghiVEuVpi74kdxS4I_rSBOmQLwS9b7WoI7seigra9bqbMA9JVoHcNDRg-X5az4=w330-h244
March 13 (2024), Retrieved from, https://scontent.fcrk2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/419329411_122125606820198671_1831994810474602082_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_eui2=AeF7UDVKXM0Y4oLOo8QVbybxYq2pgfaCAYdiramB9oIBhwM5QDrvgBrvr6M01fzSck3RShLqoLCVHNcVg1VR0OTF&_nc_ohc=oYjKG7NkMicAX-HQbvz&_nc_ht=scontent.fcrk2-1.fna&oh=00_AfA2S4eXtfRMCqdXiPRFHkECmlzFsjLhXf-2zrUJ1snDdA&oe=65F9080D
March 15 (2024) Retrieved from, https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEja2e1wZ-1reiW7P8mSy-UpU21IWf4iWwJir9U8O1Lr2pmwrCXINYu_pVE72EctZY1RGi_-m_340S5LuabsIHMsqV2d4UUlre3dnxI-cfCYzu4QQTJDJ-vj3cmRkir57_oRGiWFlKRzoqNuH2GPPZzfwttgImVznq4SAjGMgatAK5U0WQPDLbelE_3aM7U
March 15 (2024) Retrieved from, https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjrt-9PR4NAu83uM6YR6DERoPodQzGfELiyobGlPl12STJl7gU-JJuOYbdPy1hOaCQDynQOx75MvuiPbLn6spMIuAo8tGaW21_Rg0XdLvzLgjpuP4iZDG6XBZx_d15d03-8xtteXN22HYkHcAeRDtOWmNSfYiHGILFrXp6EvealJWQe1zUEiMx-r1PvvHI
March 15 (2024) Retrieved from, https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjTDF5qG7WpNDNafzKTUlhzbV89fk2ehOt1i2ekOVdGluMPkhOp829UI77Ho9TK1GfqNwAYq4v0piDpkQheEGkuNEdqxntAMYV4d3eZh5O1JFpf7uqT2QEg7B1PdDYMqba0AMrvk4hODRMGmucLxWdw5DlnQdv0EZTpynx5FiCg5oiVoLCy1tcUsQwEPng
March 15 (2024) Retrieved from, https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEg-gH9Vw-sQcvFY-n39zDwaSBxA2-oHWIYdqKMl64IvwpNTFC68qwJUB4o3W8d6IsxCrK90hzksujarW8Nu1Ge-t_D3HyQcXNjD7U_x9RGkAu5OkHD24nGHwMQVgdIAcFEDVqJB4XhBHe5I-4zXDlazcxPrvKxUj9lNFl0dQBmX3yZfZZX55pKZeWsA-a4
March 15 (2024) Retrieved from, https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEhTAc3D1ljvoOEyWVtDFKyHdYA8mScZlc-QLPw8SdJVDobLXGgAEwDboFPJpYFhbRw5uTBoJ_2MfFkdoCwF7UozAekw2Uer5cb7fJtJvW9EvRZ7wB2qvfO9WKaG0V57u0Jvpi6MjoESRToFIw7hmdRR_pXM9Ntv_w-ahqt_tYjaN0pinL0rCPiVIluAogc
March 15 (2024) Retrieved from, https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEgwxO9FgaTyVIgYxChN_NN8fCUr2fTO_M3qoGH3Vm6rCK4V9OS1gUBwXIwatinbg5Ayfg-1BBCLR20hqSI0h7JlNrXtyN7CYI0Vg8sR7K2QFuiLX2-Bi5en_R7ndLXLOAPg3dOReUsRvdrbfbwpWAVF4ORSZ8SrCEvvaKTWWW6S0tF6PhNjw2ZdwaT3FFA=w239-h295